The Notorious WNN
The eSafety Commissioner Protects Pedophiles and Punishes those who point them out.
This is Women’s News Network’s Substack, after being censored over at Wordpress.
This is how it started; WNN made a petition to REMOVE JULIE INMAN GRANT.
It amassed over 100 signatures and was immediately censored by the petition site with no notification and no response.
Here is the petition content:
The eSafety Commissioner - Julie Inman Grant - Protects Predators & Punishes Citizens who point them out. She needs to go.
She is also spying on, intimidating, and threatening Private Citizens.
The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, in Article 19:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
Examples of Jules' censorship include:
* Protecting Criminally-Minded Sexual Predator & Autogynephile, Adrian Buckley, who was advised against "Breastfeeding" his infant, since he is not a Mother; and did it, anyway. Then Punishing two women who pointed that out.
* Protecting Male, Justin Dennis, who invaded women's sports and injured them, and Punishing a woman who pointed that out.
Over 12,000 complaints were lodged against him, and yet the Australian Media stays silent, or brands women as "transphobes" for pointing out injustices and violence against women.
24 sportswomen have since self-excluded from their own sports for their own physical, mental, and emotional safety.
* Protecting Miss Teddy Cook from having her role on a "Health Panel" questioned by the public who disapprove of her Bestiality, Drugs, and BDSM on display while also being an ACON employee. She should not be on a World Health Advisory panel as she is clearly unwell.
As usual, Jules threatened a private citizen for pointing that out, and the platform X for sharing news and opinion.
What is she doing?
The eSafety Commissioner Role was created to protect children online: this is where the efforts of an eSC should be directed.
We suggest "Jules" be replaced by someone who will direct their energies to banning under 18's from Social Media, as it gives pedophiles access to an abundance of children, and rots developing brains.
Or, remove Australia's eSafety Office, completely. It is not in the best interests of the public to violate Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Julie Inman Grant also used to work for twitter. She holds a grudge about being “let go” and has a personal vendetta against Elon Musk and his platform, X.
Is her personal vendetta in the best interests of this country?Julie Inman Grant is also not Australian - why does she get to decide what Australians can and cannot see, say, share, and do?
Julie Inman Grant also works for the WEF, headed by Klaus Schwab. This is an unelected body that should not be influencing the political climate of Australia, let alone the rest of the world.
We are opposed to censorship and promote free speech and the sharing of it.
We cannot trust the government or the news to deliver it to us; something is very wrong.
We would also like the NACC to investigate Julie Inman Grant.
After it was censored, WNN posted it on their blog instead.
The next day, the entire blog acted like it had a virus, with every post linking to the contents page, and not the articles themselves.
Contacting Host Website, Wordpress, proved futile.
There was no help, and probably no humans.
JIG can get what she wants, however.
Changing the theme temporarily solved the problem.
However, after the last post called “Pedos Must Die. The World Agrees”, WNN has been banned from Wordpress.
The message in the dashboard implies that the site content belongs to WNN, and can be exported.
However, exporting suddenly has “a problem”.
It is not even possible to select individual posts to export.
Free Speech might not be written in Law in Australia, but that’s because it’s fucking OBVIOUS.
It is a UNIVERSAL LAW, written in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Australia is a signatory to the UN UDHR.
Article 19 states:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
It is also Human Right for Women to be able to call out Predators.
The very moment that pedophile Adrian Buckley stuck his nipple in his son’s mouth - against the advice of Doctors, duh - the Great “Trans-Delusion” was over: these MEN are autogynephiles and pedophiles.
Get them away from women and children immediately.
“Mr Buckley said when doctors at the hospital learnt he was trying to breastfeed Auden they warned Ms Honnery-Buckley (the Mother) it could put her newborn at risk.
The doctors asked Ms Honnery-Buckley to sign a waiver and wanted to see documentary evidence of Mr Buckley's blood infection status.”
Most WNN articles will be reposted on this substack, but if you’d like to peruse them all up to a certain date, click this button.
Some have not been archived.