Written in January 26, 2024
Women aren’t responsible for the invention and enforcement of transgenderism. Men are.
Typically terrorists and tyrants, scared women always go along with men’s demands because it keeps them safe to fawn for men.
Some also go along with it because they are being paid to.
Some go along with it because they’ve been emotionally blackmailed into thinking their mentally-ill kid will top themselves if they don’t get what they want.
Some also have “transhausen’s by-proxy”.
But allllll this nonsense… began with men, and their psycho-sexual illnesses.
Men built the stage, and set it.
They hold the modern-world hostage with their psycho-sexual exhibitionist sickness.
Feminism says No.
Women are not responsible for the behaviour of grown men.
In fact, I am rather disinterested in it, and wish I didn’t know anything about this male-sickness, alas, it has sexually assaulted me and made it my business – and life’s work – but today, I’m just here to set the record straight with some names, some dates, and minimal effort. I might link to a bunch of things I have not vetted; most things are anti-reality, and cause me to lose consciousness while reading. So think of it as Link-Lotto.
It all began at the turn of the 20th Century…
Magnus Hirschfield -1910
Gay eugenicist, Magnus Hirschfield, is said to be the pioneer of transgenderism.
He coined the term “transvestite” in 1910 as the scope of transgender study grew. His work would lead to the 1919 founding of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in Berlin.
Havelock Ellis – 1913
Aware of Hirschfeld’s studies of transvestism, but disagreeing with his terminology, in 1913 Havelock Ellis proposed the term sexo-aesthetic inversion to describe the phenomenon.
This is the invention of the “True Transexual“.
English physician and writer Henry Havelock Ellis (1859 – 1939), 1939. His seven volume ‘Studies In The Psychology Of Sex’ (1897 – 1928) was the first book to treat the subject without the previously attached guilt, and was banned in Britain. Original Publication: People Disc – HC0313 (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Alfred Kinsey – 1940’s
There is a documentary known as “The Children of Table 34”, that documents the orgasms of infants.
This is pedofilic child abuse; I spell it that way to avoid censorship.
As a founding sexologist, most sexual data comes from “his research” – but at what cost?
“This week the director of the Kinsey Institute said he believes that the late sexologist based many of his findings about prepubescent sexual activity on the diaries of one anonymous child molester. That prolific pedophile kept records of his encounters with 317 children from 1917 to 1948.”
Narrator, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. announces: “…like most Americans at the time, I felt like Dr Kinsey’s work was groundbreaking… since then, serious questions have been raised about the Kinsey Research Methods…”
Harry Benjamin – 1950’s
“It was not until 1948 in San Francisco when Benjamin was asked by Alfred Kinsey, a fellow sexologist, to see a child who “wanted to become a girl” despite being born male. Up to this point both Kinsey and Benjamin had never encountered such a condition. This led to them both understanding this was more than just transvestism which was the only classification at the time.”
Stanley Biber – 1960’s
Stanley Biber (1923–2006) was a surgeon in Trinidad during the twentieth century who specialized in sex reassignment surgeries. His clinic, one of the first in the country to offer sex reassignment surgeries, grew in reputation thanks to its treatment of transsexual patients.
John Money – 1960’s
If you haven’t heard of John Money, you’ve been living under a rock.They even made a “Law & Order: SVU” episode based around him.
Another pedo, he experimented on twin-boys, turning one of them “into a girl” after a botched circumcision burned off the child’s penis. He made them pose naked together, took photos, and sexually abused them. They both topped themselves.
Norman Fisk – 1970’s
The term gender dysphoria is commonly attributed to Norman Fisk, who wrote an editorial in The Western Journal of Medicine in 1974 on what he called the “gender dysphoria syndrome” (Fisk, 1974). In the editorial, Fisk proposes this term as a more progressive and flexible alternative to the diagnosis of transsexualism.
Robert Stoller – 1970’s
In 1975 psychiatrist Robert Stoller of the University of California, Los Angeles, wrote something bizarre in his textbook on sex and gender. He asserted that people who were assumed to be boys when they were born but whose gender identity or expression did not match that assumption “often have pretty faces, with fine hair, lovely complexions, graceful movements, and—especially—big, piercing, liquid eyes.”
Read the Sexist History of Trans.
Mark Bowers – 1980’s
A protege of Stanley Biber, Mark became Marci – and a Frankensurgeon.
Walter Bockting – 1980’s
Bockting began working with transgender people over 30 years ago at the University of Minnesota, one of the first clinics in the United States to offer gender-affirming care to transgender people. As president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health from 2009 to 2011, he helped the organization to substantially revise its standards of care to reflect a more holistic and less binary approach to transgender health.
Volkmar Sigusch – 1990’s
“Cis” Coined by “Pedosexual” Physician
The sexologist who came up with “cis” also claimed “there’s nothing wrong with pedophilia.”The term “cis gender” has gained widespread popularity in recent years, largely due to a push from trans activists who define the word as the opposite of “transgender.” However, few users of the term are aware it originated with a German sexologist who also believes pedophilia is a sexuality.
If you know any more names, please post them below.
In closing:
‘It was wrong to cut off my male anatomy’: people who regret sex change surgery
“…he says the mismatch “starts out being about your anatomy but really it’s… you don’t like yourself.” Hormone therapy, breast implants, and even sex reassignment surgery (SRS) failed to solve Rene’s problems, which he realised, with hindsight, were rooted in a traumatic childhood.”
By Genevieve Gluck