Sep 12Liked by Campaign Club

Thanks again for the excellent info.

You've managed to shoe-horn my disgust an inch more than it was before I started reading.

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Thanks for reading, Lola!

Sorry to ruin your dinner. 🍷

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Sep 13Liked by Campaign Club

Were Albo, Wong and Thorpe supposed to vote of this amendment proposal of the SDA? And if yes, where were they? The gap between the Ayes and No's was so small which means the senators are divided 50/50. So that calls for further debate since they represent their constituencies/voters.

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I honestly wish someone could tell me how politics works!

I heard something about "pairing", where someone votes in their absence?

But I imagine someone like Albo saves his reputation by getting his minions to do his dirty work for him: we blame the ones we can see.

Some deserve it. Some might just be minions.

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