In Britain, the Parole Board is considering releasing the killer father of "Baby P", Steven Barker. What is less known is that he was also convicted of raping "Baby P's" infant sister. He's done 15 years and is already up for parole. If he's released, taxpayers will be funding his new identity, safe house, and police protection, for the rest of his life.

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Thank you for sharing - that is disgusting; he should get the Death Penalty. He should not be taking up resources, like space, and consciousness.

When pedos kill babies, we are left in a world that has him in it, and a world without the child.

We do not need this psychic-burden polluting the airways.

And we definitely DON'T need to be paying for his lifestyle! Ugh - I could vom.


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Your substack is being shared on spinster.xyz ! Hope you get many new subs!

I hope we all remember when KJK was questioned by British police, who said she had been "untoward about Paedophiles"!!!

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Thanks, Rad! 🙏

Yes! Lest we forget that POLICE are sent around to women's homes for being 'mean' to pedos.

The POLICE are on their side.

Some don't even go to jail at all; the disregard for the safety of quality of life for children is disgusting.

Like this guy: "Riozzi celebrated online that he had passed his paediatric exams before being caught with horrific images of children"


"Sex offenders are walking free as prisons are ‘too full’"


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Jun 4Liked by Campaign Club


Thanks so much for all your hard work ✡️

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Thank you, Tzi Tzi! 😘

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Jun 6Liked by Campaign Club


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