Transgender Terrorism
Originally Published on April 8, 2023
The Dictionary States:

After violent events in New Zealand on March 25, 2023 #TransTerrorism began to trend on Twitter.
In an act of Trans Terrorism, on March 27th, 2023, a trans-identified female (TIF) named Audrey Hale, shot and killed 6 people, including children, at their school.
CBS was told not to use the word: “transgender” when reporting on Audrey Hale’s killing spree.
If you’ve seen any news, ever, you’ll notice that when a TIM commits murder, he’s called a “woman”.
When a TIF commits murder, she’s called a woman.
Trans Terrorists had previously began organising a “Trans Day of Vengeance”, to coincide with “Trans Day of Visibility”; they wore t-shirts that said: “Trans Rights…” followed by Pink guns, and Blue Guns, and “…or else”.
Their recruitment-flyer was sweep-banned on twitter, as were many of their violent and terrorising posts, calling for murder and bloody vengeance.
The Influential Lobby Groups pushing Trans Terrorism on Civilians, from the top-down, are:
Australia: ACON
America: Corporate Equality Index
New Zealand: Rainbow Tick
UK: Stonewall
“This was summed up in what became known as the Stonewall Equality Index and Diversity Champions Scheme. The charity would effectively audit companies and other public and private sector organisations to grade how good they were for LGBT employees and how advanced they were in LGBT rights. Again, at the start of this project in the 2000s there was something to be said for it. But by the 2010s, it was charging companies £2,500 just to apply to be part of the Diversity Champions Scheme. Commercial interest had taken over. As The Times demonstrated, Stonewall confected arbitrary rules to force employers into doing more to become Diversity Champions. It coerced those involved in the scheme to lobby for Stonewall’s point of view. And it misrepresented the law in relation to trans rights, confusing the law of the land with Stonewall’s preferred law.”
Douglas Murray
1. Uncompromising Ideology
Terrorism emerges from rigid ideologies that reject accommodation. Alternative views are intolerable. Persuasive ideas or evidence do not shake beliefs and may harden them.
2. Intractable Mind
The mind of a terrorist is stubborn. It feeds on the “intoxicating elixir” of others’ closed-minded ideas and thoughts. Such people are often bitterly argumentative, unyielding, and unpleasant.
3. Frustration
As the rigid ideology causes social rejection and withdrawal, the terrorist increasingly bonds solely with the like-minded. They share rage at those who ignore or oppose their ideology. In this echo chamber, paranoia and hatred fester.
4. The Lost
As philosopher Eric Hoffer observed of mass movements, many followers are the weak, discarded, and disaffected of society. The ideology, and the clarity and solidarity it gives, fills this void.
5. Opportunists
Others attracted to mass movements, including terrorism, see in them an opportunity to commit crimes or depravities while cloaked in the claimed legitimacy of the movement.
6. Radical Intolerance
Terrorist ideologies have had many different goals in history. In the end, they resemble one another by seeking not incremental reforms, but annihilation of “the problem” they fear and hate.
7. Magical Thinking
Unbending, violent ideologies ultimately cause adherents to experience the belief that the destruction of what they despise or hate will, in one swift blow, cure the ills of the world.
These children need help; not to be told they’re born in the wrong body.
"John Owens, the trans Antifa member behind the music act "Precious Child" has uploaded content on YouTube calling for the murder of "TERFs," aka women critical of trans ideology."
For a more detailed look at this, please read my book, TRANSGENDER KILLERS, THE MONSTERS THAT WALK AMONG US. Thanks Rene jax